Sunday, January 31, 2010


I did it again- let it get late before starting this episode - and I had so much to say!! Can you believe - January 31 - a month of this new year gone??? Today has been a very interesting and surprising day! I did get to church - almost on time - but trying to put on make-up on all but one eye is strange - much less time consuming!!  Oh well - put on a flashy jacket and who is going to notice one bald eye!!!   Tonight our preacher had a very sobering lesson on loneliness.  One comment he made went straight to my heart - he said sometimes you can be in the midst of a crowd and still feel alone.  I experienced that a couple of weeks ago when I attended a shower.  I looked around and everyone was talking to someone  and I promise - I was the only one standing alone.  I felt so alone  for a few minutes and it is not a good feeling.  I promised myself I would start looking for others standing alone and - as bashful as I am -- I would approach them and start a conversation!    At the end of the service tonight Mark, our preacher, read a story about what first appeared to be a really pathetic person.  She was blind, bed ridden, disfigured by a cancer that had attacked her face, drooled, and would be someone most of us would glance at and quickly turn away.  One man took the time to speak, roll her in her wheel chair and quickly realized she had so much more that he or anyone else he knew at the time.  He asked her what she thought about during her 25 years of blindness, and she said "Jesus."  She really knew Him intimately and seeked to only please God.  She spent hours with him - talking to Him and praying to Him.  WHAT a lesson for each of us -- but think how much more we could come to know Him if we did it now - while we are whole "on the outside" and could pass that knowledge on!  Why can't we come to know Him and lean upon Him - now -- when we are lonely, when we are hurt, when we are happy, when we prosper?  Think what an influence we could make and what a better world we could make around us!!!  THINK ABOUT IT!!

Today, as I said in the beginning has been an interesting day.  Today someone who hurt us several years ago appolgized and was very sincere.  What he and others did - worked out to be the best thing that had happened in years - (now we know that) but the hurt has remained.  How do we forgive?  I do forgive him for his part - but then I have to ask the question - do we say "I forgive him, but I don't have to have anything to do with him" or I forgive him - but I never want to see him again?"  I've thought about that a lot today and tonight as Mark was talking about the lady in the nursing home and how she knew Jesus - I thought about Jesus and how he knew Judas was going to betray Him, but what did He do?  He had a meal with Judas just before he did betray Him.  I believe that is the example of forgiveness that is expected of us!  Don't you?  He was and is our example!  Hard to do sometimes - Yes - but necessary - Yes!

I have not forgotten my promise to make a list of a well stocked pantry - but to look at my cabinet full of spices, sauces, seasonings, etc., all of what I think is necessary -- and decide what the beginning "chef" really needs has been a challenge to me -- but it is coming!!
I did finally get all of the recipes from the kitchen "drawer" on paper, in plastic protectors - and into notebooks!  Yes - NOTEBOOKS - just took 3 - and they are overflowing.  I even through away a packed tall trash can bag full of either duplicates that had landed in the drawer or recipes I knew I would never make or make again! I am convinced that was a magic drawer that had some expanding powers that we did not know about - I mean to hold all of that stuff!!   I plan to post a couple of pictures of the notebooks -- I am so proud of them!!
Do any of you eat at Casa Ole?  Well we do occasionally on Wednesday nights if we are pressed for time and one of the things we like is the Green Sauce.  Well - someone got the recipe and now you can have it too:
4 Avacados
1 (16 oz.) Container Sour Cream
1 Can Rotel tomatoes
1 Tbsp. Garlic powder
1 - 4 oz. Can Green chili peppers
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. Lemon juice
3 oz. Cream Cheese
Mix and blend all ingredients until smooth.

Now if we just knew how to make the chips!!!

Do you love those Sweet Jalapeno Peppers that sell for about $7.95 a jar -- well - I do, so if you do - make your own!
1 Gallon Jalapeno slices
1 Large Red Onion
1 Large jar pimentos
4 lb. bag Sugar
Drain jalapenos really good.  Chop red onion and combine peppers, onion and pimentos.  Put about 1 cup of sugar in bottom of gallon jug.  Place a layer of peppers and continue to layer sugar and peppers until gallon jug is full.  Top with lid and sit on kitchen cabinet for about 3 days - turning jug by gently rolling it around once or twice a day.
By third day - the sugar should all be melted and will have drawn the rest of the juice out of the peppers.  Refrigerate and then eat them all - or package in small jars for gifts, etc.

Have a restful night or if it is tomorrow when you read this - have a blessed day!  Think about Jesus - and how He would act - and play it forward........

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Ohhhh!  I have probably never worked as hard at a project as  I have these last two days.  It was like it was growing faster than I worked.  This is the second day - and today I spent about about 11 hours on it -- straight -- did not go shopping, did not cook - even forgot to put in eye drops until late -- I cannot believe that one small drawer had as many recipes - sometimes 3 copies of same recipe - in it!  They are all cut - trimmed - and glued to pretty paper now -- and I have at least 2 or 3 notebooks!!!  Found something fun for you to try!!   OMLET IN A BAG  - Fun to try at a brunch or early morning get-to-gether!
 1) Have guests write their names on a quart size freezer bag with permanant marker.
2) Butter or spray Pam on the inside of the bag.
3) Crack two eggs (large or extra large) into the bag -- just two -- shake to combine them.
4) Put out a variety of ingredients such as:  cheeses, ham, onion, green peppers, tomatoes, hash browns, salsa, etc., whatever you like in an omlet.
5) Each guest adds prepared ingredients of choice to their bag and shake.
6) Make sure to get the air out of the bag and zip it up.
7) Place the bags into rolling, boiling water for exactly 13 minutes -- You can usually cook 6 to 8 omlets in a large pot.  For more - have two pots of boiling water!
8) Open the bags and the omlet will roll out easily.
9) Be prepared for everyone to be amazed.
10) Nice to serve with fresh fruit and coffee cake; everyone gets involved in the process and a great conversation piece.

11) Ps - This is also great to make ahead and freeze - when ready to use just pot in boiling water just until thawed and warm the way you like it - or even nuke it.  No fry pan to clean and no dishes to wash!
12) Who is not to love this????

Well - what did you do good for someone else today?  I think my cleaning out this drawer is being good to Travis - but I also stopped and petted my 3 sweet dogs several times during the day - even though Lexie pulled so hard I fell when I had them out to do their thing!!  I read the neatest article by Paul Powell today.  He is really a neat man - he is on our board at the bank and is funny, sweet, and very nice.  His words are something that all of us should live by.  The story is about a young man he met at the door where he was preaching and the young man said he was so honored to meet Mr. Powell.  He responded, "NO I am honored to meet you. I'm an old man and you young men are the hope of the future.  You must take up the banner and carry it forward."  Not to be outdone, the young man replied, "We can't take it up until you turn it loose."  Mr. Powell went on to say "The truth is all of us, young and old alike need to take up the banner of Christ and carry it forward in today's world.  And, no matter how old we are we don't need to turn it loose.  faithfulness to the end is always the call of Christ.  I hope you'll stay with it and never turn loose!"  What a lesson for all of us in just a few sentences!!!
I promised you a recipe last night that I promise will be some of the very best chili you've ever eaten - it is called REAL TEXAS CHILI

3 lbs. ground meat (lean)
1 cup flour
2 Tablespoons salt
2 teaspoons black pepper
Work the above ingredients together until all the flour is worked into meat.  Saute slowly in large heavy pan until meat begins to change color - then add:
2 Medium chopped onions
3 Tablespoons minced garlic
Allow to cook until done but not brown.  Stir frequently.
Then add 2 QUARTS HOT WATER and simmer 1 hour.
Then add:
4 Tablespoons paprika
6 Tablespoons chili powder
2 Tablespoons cvumin
2 small cans tomato sauce

Simmer for 1 hour, stirring often.  Add more salt, pepper or some tabasco to taste.  Best when made 24 hours before serving.  For thicker chili use a little less water.

Yes - definitely more trouble than opening a tub of Sam's chili -- but so much heathier and oh so much better taste!   Makes a lot but  it freezes great!  Get out a tub for hot dogs - make enchiladas -- just eat frito pie!!!  ENJOY!!!

Well - no soap boxes to get on tonight -- just hoping you plan to be in church tomorrow.  The devil is really working on me - letting me know how ugly and strange I look with one eye not covered with a little make up and I really should just stay in and "take it easy" tomorrow.  Wouldn't he just love that - but wouldn't God be disappointed -- so get ready folks -- don't laugh and make fun - but I will be there because I know that is God's Will.  I pray His Will also includes a good night's rest for all of you this evening and that I see you tomorrow!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Miss me?  I wonder!!  Well yesterday - of all things - I had to have cataract surgery on my right eye -- and just could not see my computer last night!  Today - I had planned an early "blogging" session but I got involved with a "major project."  After going to the doctor early this morning and having a very good report - with the only stipulation (besides the worst of worst - no make-up on that eye for a week) - just take it easy today!  So - rather than sit and brood over lost time - I got busy - but still! Also it would be a good excuse - to hide out - having no makeup on!!   I have a drawer in my kitchen that is my husband's "pride and joy!"  Opps - I had better duck - lightening is bound to strick me- -- he hates that drawer and repeatedly makes a comment - like "this needs to be organized."  At times - he has even attempted to do so!  What could be in such a drawer - well - it is all of my most prized and favorite recipes - most of which I go back to over and over!  Probably over 200!  Yes - it does take me a while to find the one I want to cook - but it seems I've never had the time to do anything about it until today!  Thanks to a young lady at work - I had the answer.  She said she takes her recipes and puts them on a sheet of paper and then into a loose leaf notebook.  So to be a little creative - I had tons of colored paper - all colors - so I set out to color coordinate my recipes. With sissors, Elmer's glue, paper and pen I started out to organize.  Thanks - Hanna!  Well - I soon realized 10 colors was not enough so I combined some - and tonight I am about half through.  Of course - I found some recipes I will never make - or never make again - and they are now in the oranged top recycle bin!   An amazing thing -- I discovered some wonderful recipes that I am anxious to share with you - and when I get through I may have the base for a - dream I've had for years - a cookbook!  We shall see!  There are recipes that date back to 1945( a pound cake given to my Mom way back then) - and many given to me by my Mom right after I got married!
One fun thing I found was "HOW TO PEEL HARD-BOILED EGGS WITHOUT PEELING" - Now I never have tried this and would love to hear from the first one that does!    Hard boiled eggs can be annoying and time consuming to peel (even though I have found if you will drain the water off, and immediately add a little vinegar and cold water - let them set for about 5 to 10 minutes - they come off very easily!) But here are the instructions to not even have to peel!
1. Cover the eggs with water and boil on low for about 12 minutes
2. Cool the eggs by placing them in cold water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and ice.  The baking soda raises the pH level and reduces adherence.  If you choose not to use baking soda, be sure to move the eggs into the cold water with plenty of ice immediately after boiling.
3. Crack the top of the egg and remove a small piece.
4. Crack the bottom (wide end) and remove a small piece.
5. Hold the egg in your hand and blow vigorously into the narrow end of the egg, which will expel it out the wide end.
6. Doesn't get much easier than that!  JUST BE READY TO CATCH IT WHEN IT COMES OUT!

Double dog dare you to try!!!

I bet you've asked "What is all that "Fashion about" in the title?"  Well, I was listening in on a conversation the other day - and one of our young ladies at work was talking about the "80's" fashion of tight jeans and how to put them in your boots and them stay!  Well with my Ugg's and my really cute rain boots - I like to tuck my jeans in - but they always bunch up so bad!  She said back then they learned to fold them over to the side, and then turn them up a roll and that holds the leg snug!  She is so right -- I always turned them up then tried to fold them over and still had a mess!  Try it - you'll like it!  Never to old to learn!  Just wonder what I was wearing in the 80's????  Thanks Melissa!

Tonight I made a couple of recipes I don't intend to ever put in print here!  The "Cream of Poblano" soup was delicious but way too many steps - and I'm not sure I will even do it again.  The other was Chile Rellenos and it has to take an expert - and that I AM NOT -- wound up with good taste - but UGLY and I am so tired!!!  Maybe it was just too soon after the eye deal to work so hard!!  Clean up was a killer too!

Here is a fun "Hot" recipe -- you guys will love it:
ARMADILLO EGGS - by Kim Borrelli
1 lb. Jimmy Dean ( Brookshire's) Hot Sausage
1 Can Pickled Whole Jalapenos
Hot cheese sticks or slices of Pepper jack cheese
1 can biscuits
Stuff the jalapenos with the slices of cheese;    Divide the sausage into 8 pieces.  Pat over and around the stuffed peppers.  Place on cookie sheet and bake at 400 degrees until sausage is done.  Drain well on paper towel. Roll out the buscuits and wrap around the sausage pepper.  Cover completely and pinch seems.  Bake at  400 degrees until rolls are done!   Enjoy - better make more than one batch!!

So - you may be having either a crowd or several friends over next weekend -- tired of the chili you go out to Sams and buy -- besides the 500 plus calories per serving?  Well tomorrow I am going to give you the recipe for Real Texas Chili - takes more time than opening up a plastic container of Sam's chili - but oh - so delicious. I used to make chili - using 9 Alarm, McCormicks, Williams or whatever I thought might be good.  Then Jeanine - a great friend- told me about the chili she makes and how she will never make any other again.  She was friend enough to give me the recipe and it is THE BEST!  Best of all - when you eat it -- you don't feel like you are floating in grease - or going to die of indigestion -- you use lean meat and no extra grease!  So - tomorrow I will give you the recipe - I guess I will go ahead and part with it! But if you are tired of chili - very good or not - here is an easy and great tasting substitution!
1-1/2 cups coarsely chopped whole green chiles
2 -4 med. potatoes - cubed
1 tablespoon salt
1 lb. cubed pork
1 large onion - diced
3-4 diced garlic cloves
2 tablespoons oil (canola)
1 Cup chopped canned tomatoes

Dredge (turn the meat over in it) the meat in flour and brown in the oil in a dutch oven (big pot)/  Add the onions and continue cooking until transparent (turns clear).  Add about 4 cups water, along with all the other ingredients and simmer for about an hour.  Serve in soup bowls with warm flour tortillas.  Yields about 6 cups!  Multipy for a crowd.  Easy and delicious!!!

Well there is lots more to share - but I don't want to do it in one night!  Have a blessed night's rest and get up tomorrow  - go out - and be that inspiration to someone who needs inspiration - or be kind to that person that doesn't know kindness - or just hug your dog!  Make someone or something happy.  May God bless all of you! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I promise I won't get on my soapbox tonight - I would just like to say there are some wonderful people in this world that are so easy to love - and there are some people in this world not so easy to love - and so often they are the ones that need our patience, kindness, and understanding.  We are exhorted in Ephesians 4 to "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."  Tall order to fill - but  we are also told "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you."  So when you have been cheated, yelled at, or accused of a wrong doing that you are innocent of - back off, get your Bible (mine is on my iphone) and turn to Ephesians 4 and read what God expects you to do.  Do I always do that - "NO" but I've learned to get quiet and wait.  God will show you how to handle each situation if you ask Him. 
I went to our Red Cross board meeting last night and one heart warming story was told of a little girl here in Tyler that had her two dollars for Pizza day at school, but she told the teacher she wanted her money to go to the people in Haiti and that she thought all of the kids should do that.  That started a snowball until all of the classes in that elementary school participated and our Red Cross Chairman accepted a check for $1200 from those students!  Amazing - the hearts of the young!  My little seven year old goes to Rice Elementary and she ran up to me so excited that they had a great big container and she took money to help the people in Haiti.  The afternoon I went by - she had her piggybank down - rolling up six dollars at a time in little packages - wanting to give it to the needy!  So precious!  If only we could keep the hearts we had at that age!!!
Well one more week and just a few days before it will be Super Bowl Sunday!  So - I need to give you more recipes to try!!! (Thanks Mary for letting me know you tried one of my recipes -- makes me feel good!)
1 lb. Hamburger meat
1 lb. Reular velveeta / 1 lb. Jalapeno Velveeta (if you can find it -- otherwise just add some chopped jalapenos)
1 Can Rotel tomatoes
1 Can Cream of Mushroom soup
Melt chesses together in microwave or double boiler;  Cook hamburger until brown - drain well.  Combine and add tomatoes and soup.  Serve warm -- if you have any left over - it freezes well!

Having a crowd - and need something more filling?  Try RITZ POPPY SEED CHICKEN

2 Tubes crushed Ritz crackers
1-1/4 sticks melted margarine
2 Tbls. Poppy Seeds
4-6 Chicken breast cooked and cut into pieces
1 Can Cream of mushroom soup
1 Can Cream of chicken soup
1 cup low fat sour cream
1 Can sliced water chestnuts, drained
1 Large jar diced tomatoes
1 Can sliced ripe olives, drained
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. garlic salt or minced garlic or 2 cloves fresh garlic, pressed
Mix crackers, margarine & Poppy seed together.  Put 1/2 of mixture in greased 9-11 inch baking pan.  Mix all other ingredients and pour over cracker crust.  Cover with the other half of cracker mixture.  Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve with toasted garlic points or bread.

For the vegetarians in your group - and delicious for all:

1 Can LeSueur Peas
1 Can Shoe peg corn
1 Can French sliced green beans
1 large jar diced pimentos
1 or 2 chopped green onions

1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup Red Wine Vinegar
1/3 Cup Salad oil(I use Canola)
Salt and pepper and garlic salt

Mix and pour over mixture of veggies and let sit overnight.

I sure hope you will try some of these - I promise they are "tried and true" and you will enjoy! 
How is it going anyway?  Anyone trying to bring their cooking to a higher level?  Anyone seeing the appreciation of your family?  The joy of cooking may come very slowly to some of you - but the pleasure of a family's compliment or the enjoy of seeing the appreciation in their eyes is immediate reward!  Keep trying -- Cooking just like marriage takes work, patience and love - and the greatest of all is the love you show by pleasing someone else! 

God bless each of you - and Goodnight!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Let's hope tonight goes better than last night - with the internet.  Had an interesting day - long but thought provoking!  I went to a Preacher's Advisory meeting today at lunch as a stand-in for my husband but afterwards - it made me do some deep thinking about worship and why things that worked miraculously well centuries ago don't work that well today.  God has not changed and neither has His Word - but unfortunately the world has.  Years ago - there was no television, no movie theaters, no videos, no radios, no football games, no shopping,  no eating out after church, not much of anything but one another and a desire to know more -- so when they heard someone proclaim the WORD, they had nothing to distract them, nothing to plan for the afternoon, nothing to do but listen and hear the Word.  Well today we have all of those distractions plus a hundred more -- so the challenge to a preacher is "how can I reach that person that is either "unchurched" or "hurting" or "distracted by outside interests?"  It is obvious they are at the service just because it is" just expected" or "they are searching" or "let's see what this is all about?" - so if he can draw their attention through some sensory attraction, he can begin to teach them!  Wow - I did learn a lot today - or understand alot.  I don't have a problem with this - doing whatever we can to reach those that are lost - I do have a problem with people that find fault and after the first few things "they don't like" - they up and leave.  Hey - are you there to be served or to serve?  SO WHAT - if you don't like the songs that are led or how they are sung, or you think the preacher talks about sports too much, or you don't like your Bible class teacher, (and you'll just change classes) or you don't like how the men lined up for communion!  SO I ASK: "When did going to church and being a Christian become all about pleasing you?"  What happened to "How can I serve?" You say: "I can't preach, oh I'm not a very good teacher (me either, but I do enjoy teaching teens and ladies - but kids scare me to death!) but I know I can cook."  SO COOK!  You say: "I can organize" - THEN ORGANIZE.  You say: "I can carry on great conversation "- THEN VISIT!  Get off of "Poor pitiful me -- I am not happy with the new Elder, I am not happy about the singers up front, I am not happy with the preacher's wife's hairdo or children or whatever!!"  I heard just the other day that  someone else was UNHAPPY and going to leave -- well - I've observed they are not in services 2 out of 4 or 5 Sunday's a month - maybe they should be unhappy about themselves! You know - this is not just where I go to church - I work in the public and it is today's society!  Well - try serving someone and see how much happier you are!!! 
Oh - sorry - this blog is suppose to be about cooking - right?  How about that Corn Dip I tried to post last night!!!  This is a great dip from a good friend of long ago. Thanks Elizabeth!
2 Cans Mexicorn, drained
3 Jalapenos, chopped
1 can drained, chopped green chiles
1 cup mayonnaise
3 to 4 green onions, chopped
1 (8 oz.) carton Sour cream
10 oz. grated cheddar cheese
Mix all together.  Serve with crackers or chips!

Now - guess you've figured out -- I love hot stuff!  So - to me there is nothing any better than Jalapeno Quiche
6 eggs beaten
Lawry' seasoned salt (old recipe - use Foxpoint from Penseys)
12 to 16 (I'd use the 16) oz. grated Cheddar cheese
1 to 2 tablespoons (canned) sliced jalapeno peppers (Would definitely chop 2 fresh ones)
Mix together and spread in a greased (spray with Pam or I use store brand)  13 X 9 inch casserole dish.  Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes or until set.  Cut in squares and serve!!!

WELL - by now you are as tired as I am - but I hope I've given you something to think about - something to pray about - and something to change if need be.  Have a blessed sleep tonight and Lord's Will - join me again.


Wow - I have been trying to get on the internet for 1 hour -- missed Castle - but here I am - bedtime - but I have things to tell you.  Today at work was stressful but fruitful!  This afternoon I met a beautiful young bride-to-be and her Mom to talk about her wedding reception.  She has such wonderfully fresh and creative ideas.  SHE will be a beautiful bride and she will have a beautiful wedding and a fun, fresh, and exciting reception.  Could any young lady ask for more -- except that her life is filled with love for one another - based in love with Christ?  I am honored beyond words that they have asked me to help with the reception.  THANK YOU!
I am still looking at my pantry and thinking about what furnishes the perfect kitchen -- coming soon!
I promised a couple of "Super Bowl" sure hits!  One is "Cherry Sandwiches"  - sounds "Sissy?"  Just make them - feed one to your guy and you'll see him melt with enjoyment!
2 Pkg. 1/3 less fat = Cream cheese  (I buy store brand!)
1 small 8 to 12 oz. jar Merrichino cherries, drained - save juice
1/2 cup. finely chopped pecans
1 loaf white or wheat sandwich bread (I prefer wheat - healthier)
With mixer combine cherries and cream cheese.  Add about 2 tablespoons cherry juice and beat until smooth.  Stir pecans in.  Smooth about 2 tablespoons on 1/2 loaf of bread and top with other.  Remove crust and cut into halves or quarters.  I used to tear, mutilate, and destroy the bread trying to remove crust.  One day my Mom (remember 92) was talking and she said she used her electric knife to remove the crust from sandwiches.  Duh - why didn't I think of that -- now it is as easy as 123!  Thanks MOM - guess we are never too old to learn!

I wrote all of this twice last night but could not get it published - not sure what the problem was!  The other recipe I gave you was Corn Dip - a delicious, hot and spicy dish - but recipe is at home so I will try again tonight!

Have a blessed day - do something kind!  God's Will - Later!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Another busy Sunday - up at 6:30 and then rush, rush, rush to get to Church by 9 a.m.  Had lunch at one of our favorite little restaurants "LaPlazita's!"  Soon after lunch I went to another bridal shower - wow those young brides-to-be make me feel so old!  So cute - so full of expectations!  After leaving the shower I decided it was time to do some cooking - and then I felt like I was in a marathon or Iron Chef Cookoff - I had so much to do and so little time left to do it!  Every Sunday night our routine had gotten to be really routine - T would say  "What do you want for dinner?" and I would reply "I don't care!"  The car would turn toward McDonalds and we would have a hamburger and fries.  It had really gotten old - so I first bought one of those small little pork loins, chopped it into about 6 pieces and put it in the crockpot - used the same recipe I wrote about in this very blog on  Sunday, January 17.  By the time we got home, the meat was tender and ready to shred. Served them on whole wheat buns and they were a treat to us!  After getting the Pulled Pork sandwich ingredients on to cook, I peeled and cut up sweet potatoes to make a pie for someone; then I made a Banana Bread Cobbler.  I had never made anything like it before and it was so good (Travis said and I did taste it!) that I am going to share the recipe tonight.  It was so easy to make and it would be a great dessert to have for a super bowl party -- we will probably have it on Feb 10 when I cook again at church!  Then I made the pie and it came out of the oven about 5 minutes before it was time to go back to church - and deliver the pie!  While it was cooking I made Mango-Strawberry Salsa!  See what I meant - I had lots to cook!
Our sermon tonight pretty well followed what I have been saying "Let your light - which has to be reflected from Jesus if it is real light - shine - let the world see you "going about doing good" and not looking for "THE CREDIT!"  Such a great lesson that can't be repeated enough!  Thanks Mark!
I had a request tonight -- I was asked if I would do a blog on "How to Outfit Your Kitchen" - not the furniture or dishes -- but the staples one needs to be able to go in the kitchen and make a meal without having to run to the store or go to your sister's house and borrow "Baking Powder!"  All of that is so common in my pantry that I will have to think on this a bit - but it will be forth coming!
8 Servings - Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
                             1/2 tsp. salt
                             1 tsp. baking powder
                             1 Cup Sugar
                             1 Cup Milk
                             1/2 Cup Butter, melted
                             1 tsp. vanilla (since the recipe did not call for any - 1 tsp. is enough!)
                             4 medium size ripe bananas, sliced
                              Streusel Topping
                              Ice Cream - optional
DIRECTIONS:   Whisk toether flour, salt, baking power, sugar, and milk just until blended; whisk in melted butter and vanilla.  Pour batter into a lightly greased 11 X 7-inch baking dish.  Top with banana slices, and sprinkle with Streusel Topping (see below).  BAKE AT 375 degrees fpr 40 to 45 minutes or until golden brown and bubbly.  Serve with ice cream if desired.

3/4 Cup Firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 Cup Flour
Dash of salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 Cup uncooked regular oats - optional I guess because I left them out!!
1/2 Cup chopped pecans
DIRECTIONS:  Stir together the brown sugar, flour, salt, baking powder and butter until crumbly, using a fork.  Stir in pecans and oats if you decide to use!  I will try it next time!!
NOTE: The recipe suggests using Self rising flour, eliminating salt and baking powder!  I just don't like the stuff so-----!
Have a blessed evening - Let your "reflected" light shine - and check out the recipe tomorrow night - Cherry/Cream Cheese Sandwiches (even the men like them!) and Corn Dip - two in one night, God's Will. 

Saturday, January 23, 2010


First and foremost - I have to have a better picture taken to post!!  That said - let me tell you - Travis and I  had another "date" tonight - wow 2 in one\ two weeks - last time I counted it was more like 1 time in 6 months!  T and I went to see "BOOK OF ELI" partly because of an article I read in the paper today.  I was so impressed with Denzel Washington and the revelation he had arrived at: "that we are to do more than live on this earth for what we can aquire and enjoy."  At the end of the article published in the Tyler Morning Telegraph, Denzel said: "While reading the Book of Proverbs recentley, he began looking at "all the stuff."  This led to a sobering question: "What do you want Densel?"  He forcused on "wisdom", which let to the word "understanding."  I (Denzel) said, "Hey, there's something to work on.  How about Wisdom and Understanding."  I said, "God, give me a dose of that," said Washington. "I mean, I can't get any more successful, you know, but I can get better.  I can learn to love more.  I can learn to be more understanding.  I can gain more wisdom.  So that is where I'm at."  Wow what an example and so refreshing to come from someone that millions pay money to watch!  I hope that each one of us can say all of that!  I often look around at all my "stuff" and think I should get rid of some of it -- but for the most part -- I did not buy it -- it was given to me in a loving act.  Nothing expensive - just love offerings and they are a comfort!  Thank you - each and everyone that gave me any of the "Stuff" I display in my home!  Now as far as the movie was concerned, the verdict is still out - and I can tell you, in my opinion,  it will take some movie to replace "BLINDSIDE!"
Have you ever felt like everyone was trying to run over you?  That is exactly how I felt each time I got out on the streets today!  If not idiots - driving like Bats out of H....", it was teenagers seeing how much of Daddy's gas they could burn in one takeoff - or racing through parking lots, or pulling out in front of someone.     It is amazing what the precentage of wrecks - just in Smith County include a teenager.
The last three wrecks I was involved in was caused by either illegal children that did not have a license or  teens who were in "Daddy's sports car and chose to drive too fast and ran into the back of us!    Most of them were texting, talking to a friend on a cell phone, or just driving too fast without the knowledge needed.  Part of how I learned to drive was at  my best friend's farm.  Her sweet dad would just turn us loose and we would drive whatever was available - and that "available" most likely would not go in reverse - so - you know what - we learned to either just keep going or make a "big U-turn (before we even knew what a U turn was!)  Now I can turn on a dime, and with that combined with the teaching I received from an understanding Dad -- I have been very lucky. Thanks to two wonderful Dads that loved his daughters!  Oh - I wasn't alway so "wise" or lucky.  On July 5, 19 -- well I'm not telling the date - but my best friend, Mary and I had gone swimming and "flirting" in Sabine and a bad storm came up.  We raced to the car and took off toward home "way too fast" -- as it started to rain, I slammed on the brakes and the big new Buick I was in started to spin and then turn over.  I can still remember reaching up and turning off the radio.  God is good - because we walked away without a scratch - but to this day - on JULY 5 of each year I remember that day and slow down!  With those two lessons - I became a very good and responsible driver.  I am not saying something won't happen tomorrow - but it won't be because I am deliberately being irresponsible!!
So - I could give you a recipe to try tomorrow - but TAKE A BREAK - go out to eat - meet me for Mexican - - and be ready tomorrw night for the start of some great "SUPER" recipes!  Please think like Denzel - "how can I be better" - "who can I befriend - who have I not taken the time time to meet - how can I make life better for the people I love and for the people I don't yet know??"  God Bless each and see you tomorrow - God's Will!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Tonight we watched a movie I had ordered -- not very good actors or quality as far as the production was concerned - but what a powerful lesson!  The name of the movie was "NO GREATER LOVE" - on the same line as "FIREPROOF" "FACING THE GIANTS" AND "FLYWHEEL" all which were about a couple "madly in love" but not knowing how to love one another.  Most of the movies are about a man that cares more about his business or his freedom  than his wife, home, family, or especially about Jesus Christ.  This movie had a completely different twist but with the same message. - To learn how to really love one another, and to put the other one first, you must first learn to love Jesus Christ, and become like him.  That I think is a struggle for all of us, man or woman, but until we put aside "self" there will always be conflict and hurt.  Check it out - it is worth the time - and I think that even someone who has been married as long as I have is never too old to learn more about love and how to be less selfish! 
Today I took Michelle to lunch (really have to  s-t-r-e-t-c-h the hour to get up Broadway, eat lunch, get back down Broadway, let my dogs out and get back to my desk in time for the next loan customer - but it was worth it - to make her happy and spend some time with her.  She looked so pretty too.  I had something attack my hand Wednesday night -- I was sitting in Bible class and my left wrist started hurting.  Then my hand started really hurting and by the time I left - I had no strength in it at all.  I could not open the car door or lift anything with that hand.  On Thursday it was worse - I could not even pull the top off of the pen I was going to use, or put my seat belt on - or anything else.  Today it was better and tonight almost all of the pain is gone and I can wash my hands by rubbing them together.  So strange -- but the point of even telling this was that I asked if someone at Style could shampoo and blow Michelle's hair dry for her.  She said it was "Charlotte" that did it and it looked so pretty!  So - we had a good hot dog together and I made it in time to make the motorcycle loan we had been working on all week!
Well - for you tonight I have one simple - but well appreciated - meal!  Grilled Steak and Baked Potato! 
No you don't just take a raw steak and throw it on the grill and expect a miracle -- maybe if you buy the most expensive meat in the market it might work -- but what about on a budget!  A year or so ago - we had some friends over including two college guys.  They could not get enough of the steak Travis cooked and kept asking him for the recipe and he kept looking at me.  A few days later this is what I sent them!
Wash steaks off and pat dry.  Place steaks in a large bowl that has a cover that seals.  Sprinkle each steak liberally with Fajita seasoning* and then cover with Allegro.*  Mince or press fresh garlic over the steaks - making sure each piece has some fresh garlic on it.  Cover each piece of steak liberally with black pepper (PENSEY'S FOR SURE) and I also add a sprinkle of Cayenne pepper to the mix and about 1 teaspoon of Pensey's Fox Point seasoning**.  Pour about 1/4 cup white wine over all of the steaks and 1/4 cup olive oil over them as well. 
Cover and place in refrigerator and let sit at least 8 hours - turning over in the bowl occasionally.  (The steaks we served that night marinated about 16 hours or longer!)  This works good on brisket too!  Then just as the steaks hit the grill - Travis puts a big pat of butter on each steak.  (We have learned you can omit the butter and spray often with apple juice to keep meat from drying out and it gives a great flavor!)
* Fajita seasoning and Allegro can be bought at Sams! 
If you don't have time to oven bake potatoes which are the best - especially when the foil is sprayed, sprinkled with Kosher salt and potato is rolled up in it, then wash the potatoes, make a deep X (about1/8th inch deep) on each end and then roll in paper towel. Microwave about 15 to 20 minutes (depending on size) open microwave, press potato to feel for tender, and then return to microwave for another 5 to 7 minutes.  Then remove from paper and wrap in foil until ready to serve.  YOU NOW HAVE A MEAL FIT FOR A KING!!  Now put on something pretty to greet your family in - have a prayer and Bon Appetite! 
Tomorrow is Saturday -- when you awake ask: "what can I do for someone else?"  Find that opportunity and go about doing good.  God's will - I'll have more tomorrow!


Last night I had so much to tell you - but the internet was on the blink when I wanted to write - so I gave up for the evening - but the thoughts are still with me!  Have any of you shopped at Sweet Gourmet?  I love that store!  I went in the week after Christmas and it looked like it had been looted of everything or was in the last days of a "going out of business sale!"  Neither "look" was correct  - the truth is lots of other people love that store too and had given many gifts from there - and most likely served lots of good dishes made from items they bought there!  Pam Gabriel is the owner and she has a knack of knowing what is good and how to market those items!  I went in yesterday and it was a rainbow of color!  All decked out for Valentine's Day -- Red, Pink, Green, Yellow, and Chocolate candies galore.  Most all of the shelves are restocked with wonderful jellies, crackers, soup and dip mixes, salsas, olive oils - just name what makes food good and you can most likely find it!  No - I don't work there part-time either - just like Pensey's in Dallas - I just happen to like the products and the people!
We ate out last night (again) - this time at a pricey little seafood place.  The shrimp was really good and Travis said the oysters were too.  Michelle and I shared the shrimp - there were nine on an order - five for her and four for me!  The fried sweet potatoes were the best part!!  Service was good -- but I ask you, "why would a restaurant that is supposed to be "upscale" not serve a good bread either before or with the meal?"  Most classy restaurants offer wonderful breads as a special treat to their guests!  On our plates were something called a "corn flitter" - basically it was just a flat, tough little pancake!  We never found one piece of corn - maybe it had some "cornmeal" in it!!!  Oh well - guess that helps keep the fat off!  
I have been reading Mark Edge's blog, "Tell Me A Story" and he has some wonderful "stories" to tell - all with a good moral to each one.  My favorite so far is "A Noble Stop."  They are short, easy to read - so check them out!!
I worked at the mall yesterday afternoon - attempting to collect money for the American Red Cross.  We had a table set up right in the center of the Mall (the Mall actually asked us to come!) We didn't do too well because we were evidently  INVISABLE, even with a video showing the devestation and work in Haiti,.  People would either walk by and deliberately turn their heads or look straight ahead!  It finally got to be a joke.  So - we "people watched" and what a sight we saw!  I have to ask "Where are the parents these days?  Why do they let kids out of the house looking like some we saw last night?"  I have never seen such a disregard for one's own respect, decency, or forget being an example to others!  It is really sad.  Clothes don't have to be expensive, but they could be clean, cover the body, and leave something to the imagination!  I wish there was a way to reach  these young people and teach them to value their own worth and that they don't need the kind of attention they have been getting!! 
I promised Pork Chops and Apples!
Thin Pork Chops (However many you need for your meal)
2 Apples (I like Gala, but Granny Smith's work too)
Brown sugar, salt, and pepper
Salt and pepper the chops and brown both sides in about 2 to 3 tablespoons of oil (I like olive oil)
Core the apples and slice over the pork chops. 
Put about 1/2 cup brown sugar on top of apples.
Slowly pour about 3/4 cup water over the sugar and apples.
Cover and lower heat to low and simmer about 20 to 25 minutes until pork chops are tender!  The pork takes on the sweet of the apples and it is just a delicous dish.  Serve with any starch (potatoes, pasta or rice)  you choose and either a salad or a green vegetable!  Try it - we love it!!!
Well - I will write more this evening - Lord's Will.  Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Had some great chili tonight!  David - you did an awesome job -- loved the chunks of real beef in it!  Michelle - the rest was great too!  Thanks for a great meal and for only $4.00!   Do you share recipes?  I love Wednesdays for a number of reasons --- the week is half over; we get to go back to church to study God's Word and often share a meal with one another before the study - and I get to read Lee Vickory's Food section in the Tyler Paper. She even published a Taco Soup that I had done a couple of days ago - except the recipe called for Black beans.  Travis would not like that -- the only way he will tolerate them is if I season them up with enough onion, garlic and cheese that he thinks they are Pintos!  Her section today  was very interesting as one of her articles asked "What Makes You Happy?"  Well - Many things make me happy:  Wednesday's make me happy -- and I've already told you why -- but there are other things too!  My family, spending time with them, especially hanging out with my sister, shopping with Michelle, my dogs make me very happy (except for last night when they tore up the roll of tolit paper and then I laughed), and I love doing things for others - whether it is cooking for them, giving them a gift (I wish I was extraordinarily rich so I could help so many more), or just encouraging someone -I guess I am happiest when I feel good about what I've done - when I know I've done a good job, but my greatest happiness comes from knowing I have a Savior in Jesus Christ that loves me! 
Now to cooking and the promise I made the first of the week - simple meals that will get compliments!  This will probably be the most simple recipe I will ever give - but a delicious one!
 Chicken Tacos

Ingredients:  3 or 4 skinless and boneless chicken breast            1 Jar Rose City Mild Hot Sauce*
                     Grated cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, avacados**         1 Pkg. tortillasa - corn or flour -                                                                                                                    your choice
Directions:  Place chicken breasts in crock pot and pour hot sauce on top.  Cook 1 hour on high and then turn to low.  Cook about 4 to 5 hours until chicken is tender and you can shred with a fork.  Remove chicken and shred - return to juice - Heat tortillas and fill with chicken.  Add other ingredients to taste.  **they are optional!  NOTE:  If you don't own a Crock Pot or have the time - buy a rotisserie chicken, shred it, put it in a sauce pan, pour in the hot sauce and simmer about 30 minutes!
* Rose City Hot Sauce can be purchased at Walgreen's at Broadway and Rieck or Broadway and 5th Street.  It is great - but you could use any good Salsa you buy! Easy and delicious - I promise!!   Serve with some beans or rice and you have one good meal!
 Tomorrow night I will give you another easy recipe - one we've been having for years - Pork chops and apples! 
There was some really bad weather and we were very blessed to have been missed by the storms.  I just pray all of you were safe and didn't suffer any damage.  Just think how scared we were when the alarms started going off - and then think of the poor people in Haiti and how scared and devastated they are!  I heard yesterday the average age there is only 26 years old!  I was a mere babe at 26 - how about you?  Can you even image facing what they are at 26 or 56 or whatever age.  Pray for them!
No desserts tonight - we don't want to get fat!  Have a safe evening - and God's Will - talk to you tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Wow - it is only 8:30 and I have been out here at least 20 minutes -- usually I am cleaning up the kitchen - but tonight I did a very simple and light dinner -- and made a small pudding later -- I'll tell you about all of that later!  I've told you about my babies - Harley, Lexie and Beemer!  Well that "Harley Boy" (only 9 years old) is a true mess!  Last night after I had written my blog, cleaned my face, etc., etc., I remembered I was going to put valentine hearts and stickers on the newsletters (PILOT LIGHT) for Pilot Club today -- so I went to the car, got the newsletters and stickers and started working on them.  Travis and Lexie and Beemer had gone to bed.  Harley would stand in front of me, start a low growl, then offer his hand to shake and I would tell him I needed to finish this job.  He would walk around, butt anything he could find - including a package of tolit paper that had been set down on the scales (anything to hide the scales!) and come back - rare up and growl again.  He wanted to go to bed but would not leave me.  When I finally got the 30th newsletter all decorated with valentine stickers - and put the stuff up - he took off trying to anticipate my every move. I still had to put all the moisture stuff on my face -- so he finally got to go to bed about 12 a.m.  Well - I don't know if this was retaliation - or just my playful boy -  I walked into the bedroom to go and change clothes this evening and all over the floor was torn up tolit paper -- I followed the trail all the way to the living room where I found the roll - and some all the way to the dining room.  I know he instigated the whole game -- but I am pretty sure the other two thought it was great fun and joined in.  Half a roll of a giant Charmin roll was in shreds!  Those kids!!!  Now we really know why we don't leave them out when we are gone!!!!
Tonight I cooked a really simple and easy (and most would consider gourmet) dinner.  My boss was the inspiration for this meal -- he had done something similar the other night and mentioned it.  I bought a package of very thin sliced veal and after rinsing and drying, I rubbed salt and pepper (MY PENSEY'S FRESH GROUND PEPPER) on both sides.  Then I quickly and carefully browned slightly each side in very warm (hot, but not too hot) olive oil.  Then I removed the veal from the pan, added three pressed cloves of garlic, some(about 1 tsp.) Mural of Seasoning (spices, shallots, onion, garlic, lemon peel, citric acid, chives and orange peel), a sprinkle or two of Tuscan Sunset (Basil, Oregano, red bell pepper, garlic, thyme, fennel, black pepper and anise) and a little extra French Thyme - all from Penseys!), and about 1 cup white wine -- no not white wine vinegar - not apple juice - white wine.  There are some dishes that require the real thing and all you need to do is keep a bottle of white wine in the pantry for this very purpose.  Then I covered this  and let it simmer for about 25 minutes - while I cooked angel hair pasta (I only use whole wheat because it is heathier and you can't tell the difference in taste or color after it is cooked!)  Drain the pasta after it is fork tender (not too tender -- you don't want gummy -- and then add a couple of tablespoons of a good olive oil (tonight I used B R Cohn "Meyer Lemon Olive Oil") and chopped a Roma tomato in it!  Then I made a Papaya and Avacado Salad - slices of about one half of a small (about 4 or 5 inches long) Papaya and 1 Avacado.  I put a little lime juice on it and then topped it with about a tablespoon of the Meyer Lemon Olive Oil.  I heated up some bread I had bought at Super Mercado yesterday. Serve several slices of the veal over the pasta!  WELL - Travis loved it all except he would not eat the Papaya -- which I told him is good for digestion!  Finally he took one small bite and said "I told you I didn't like it!"  Sounded just like Maura when she doesn't want to even try something. (Maura is my seven year old niece!!)  So dinner is over and I am left with a half of a papaya - could have made salsa - but I had tried to look up a "Papaya pudding" last night and what they called "pudding" was not what I call pudding.  SO - I had a challenge and took the dare.  In a saucepan I put 1-1/2 cups sugar, 2 heaping tablespoons flour, dash of salt.  I beat up 3 egg yolks, and added enough half and half to make one cup.  In the meantime I had peeled the rest of the papaya - puree'd it in the blender, and it made about 1 cup.  I first stirred the egg yolk and half and half mixture into the sugar/flour mixture until smooth and then added the cup of papaya puree.  Also added about 3 tablespoons of butter. Cooked until it started to thicken, added 1 TABLESPOON Vanilla and stirred until mixed well.  Put some vanilla wafers in bottom of bowl, poured in pudding, added more vanilla wafers and topped it off with the rest of the pudding.  Crushed a couple of the vanilla wafers on top and vil-la-- a pudding you can't even find on the internet!!! (At least I couldn't!)  I did all of the pudding while Travis walked the dogs!  I took him a bowl with a little cool whip on top and HE LIKE IT AND ASKED FOR THE SECOND BOWL!!!  See - just create -- God created us in His own image and we can create too!  I think He made us that way!! 

Well - all of the Toffee Bars were eaten at work today, and I promised if they were liked, I would give you the recipe:

1 Cup light brown sugar                              2 Sticks butter (softened)
1 Egg Yolk                                                   1/4 tsp. salt
2 Cups All Purpose Flour                            1 TABLESPOON vanilla
12 oz. pkg. Semi-Sweet chocolate chips      1 cup walnuts (chopped coarsely)

Cream brown sugar and butter and add egg yolk - beat.  Slowly add flour and salt.  Mix until well mixed and add vanilla.  Butter a 9 X 12 pan and press the batter into the pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes (yes - 35 and yes - I thought it was a long time too -- but do it!!) Remove from oven and layer the top with the chocolate chips.  Return to the oven for 4 minutes.  Remove and smooth  the chocolate until top is smooth and covered.  Sprinkle with chopped walnuts.  Allow to completely cool before cutting and serving.  Enjoy!!! 
Well - I don't know about you - but that is about all of the cooking I can handle tonight - hope you try some of this -- it really is simple, easy and a little gourmet!  See gourmet is not complicated - just good seasoning and a great looking dish!!  God Bless and Happy Cooking.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Have you ever had so much you wanted to do on a day off - a holiday?  But then - you mistakenly make a doctor's appointment - thinking "oh well - I'll be out of there in 30 minutes and then the day is mine!"  Well - I did it again - only this time - it was three hours later that I emerged from the doctor's office and almost half my day was lost, my eyes were dialated, and I couldn't focus very well -- thank heaven for a cloudy morning and my home was west of the clinic!  Not to mention - I came out with two appointments for eye surgery - nothing dramatic -- but to me it was earth shattering and worth a slight "pitty party!"  Oh well - life goes on -- and I'm trusting God - my eyesight too!   I did have one fun little adventure.  There is a store I love over on the West Loop - so my sister, Michelle and I went there today!  Duh - right at lunch time!  It is Super Mercado Monterrey!  It is clean, well arranged and they tempt you with the bakery right at the front - with wonderful smells of yeast rising, cinnamon, and home baked rolls.  Then there is this fabulous array of fruits and veggies at wonderful prices - who ever heard of 2 mangos for only 89 cents?  Today - we were all hungry (I had only had a few slices of banana and tangerine - thinking I would get out of the doctor's office and get something to eat! Ha!!) and they have a small little taqueria in the back - so we decided to eat.  We got in long line to order -- but it was worth the wait -- delicious tacos and gorditas - stuffed with great fajita steak and grilled onions on the side -- and all of the tortillas were fresh and homemade!  They even had that hot, hot green sauce - it seems that only I can eat!  And don't worry like we did - the lady taking the orders does speak English too!    Oh by the way - the beans I told you about last night (you know the Anasazi beans) were delicious.  I added some onion, GARLIC (of course), a little jalapeno, black pepper and then when they were tender (blistered my lip testing them!!) some brown sugar and salt.  I was really late getting the dessert I had promised ready - in fact it is probably just now cooled to the proper temperature - but I did notice Travis has had two pieces.  Willow Brook CC has a Toffee bar that is to die for -- and I don't even eat sweets - but did try a small piece after so many were bragging about it at a meeting -- and I have been trying to duplicate it ever since.  I've tried several recipes and they don't even come close.  Tonight - I think I got closer -- the recipe was in "And Roses for the Table" - a beautiful cookbook with great recipes that was published by the Tyler Junior League several years ago!  So - I would say "my simple little meal" was a success!   Oh - did I mention - I  relented and picked up some rotisserie chicken for Travis and Michelle! Tonight I am going to give you the simple, simple recipe for Taco Soup - the one that you can make just enough for your family or add extra cans and have enough for an office or to take to a church function or Super Bowl party!  It really is that good!  INGREDIENTS:  2 Lbs. (there or about) lean hamburger meat, cooked and drained; 2 cans Ranch Style beans or RS pinto beans (pick your favorite); 2 cans whole kernel corn; 2 Cans Rotel Tomatoes and Green Chiles (I use original - which is pretty hot - so pick the heat - they have "mild" now); (IMPORTANT -- DO NOT DRAIN THE VEGETABLES!;  1 Pkg. taco seasoning (I like McCormicks - Mild) and 1 Pkg. Original Ranch Dressing Mix.  DIRECTIONS:  After meat has browned and drained, combine meat, and remaining ingredients into either a crock pot to cook for 2 to 3 hours - or a large boiler and cook for about 45 minutes. 
(This is the original recipe that is delicious , quick, and easy.  To take the soup to the next level - Saute about 1/2 onion and 2 to 3 minced cloves of garlic, and add to the meat and then continue with the recipe instructions!)  After I see how fast the Toffee Bars disappear - I might share the recipe because it was really simple to make and didn't call for any weird ingredients!  Oh - you might want to check out Mark Edge's new blog at -- It is very insightful and meaningful!
Have a great evening - don't work too hard tomorrw - and God's will - join me again.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


This afternoon after church and a very hurried lunch at El Charro -- poor Travis - I saw him start to eat a bite and his hand was stopped in mid-air - trying to catch the first of the ballgame!  That was true love or hunger to take us to lunch and THE BALLGAME starting at 12 noon!  After the outcome - he probably wished he had stayed all afternoon!  Oh well - we got home before 12:30 -- so he didn't have to miss much!  I attended a young and beautiful bride's wedding shower this afternoon.  She was so young, excited, and in love.  I wonder how many people married at least 10 years - much less 20, 30 or 40+ years can say everything stayed just as perfect and wonderful as it was that first few weeks or months??  So - if it doesn't stay "So Perfect" - why are we still married?  The answer - I think --You make a commitment to one another - but more important you remember - through thick and thin - you made a commitment to God - to stay with one another "for better or worse" until death do you part.  It also helps if you make God an active part of your commitment! Someone who had been divorced told me: "Looking back - I see now that you can choose to love someone or you can look at all their faults, ignore yours - and leave - and start all over doing the same thing!"  Good advise to remember, don't you think?  So my prayer for that young bride - is choose to always love your husband and keep God close by!
Well - Mark (our preacher) you did your two sermons today (and great ones too) and this was mine!
I asked Travis what he suggested I tell you tonight and he said, "well it is about cooking, isn't it?"  Then his suggestion was that I give you some of my recipes for simple meals that are quick and he thinks are quite good.  So - have you ever used a crock pot?  I don't very often - but one of my favorite dishes comes right out of the crock pot!  It is "PULLED PORK SANDWICHES."
INGREDIANTS:  3 or 4 Thick cut pork chops., 1/2 cup Kraft original barbeque sauce, 1 teaspoon seasoning (either Cavenders or some some type of grilled steak seasoning, 1 onion, sliced, 1 small jar of drained mushrooms (stems are fine), and 1 chopped plum tomato or if fresh tomato is unavailable, use 1 drained can of diced petite tomatoes.  DIRECTIONS: Place the pork chops in the crock pot, slice onion on top, topped with mushrooms.  Stir the seasoning into the barbeque sauce and pour on top.  Chop the tomato on top (or put canned tomatoes.)  Cook on high about 1 hour and then turn to low for 5 to 6 hours.  Remove pork chops, shred with fork.  Pour juice into small sauce pan, add about 3 Tablespoons brown sugar and cook to melt sugar.  Add pork to sauce and serve on hamburger buns (I prefer whole wheat ones!)  Combine this with a simple pasta salad and you have a great meal!  For my favorite pasta salad, I like to cook the whole wheat spirals, cook a bag of Asian flavored frozen veggies in the microwave, drain and add to the pasta, with a little salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning.   Great Meal.  The Pulled pork makes about 8  to 10 sandwiches!  You know I like "production food" or gourmet but some of the best meals are those that are simple and just plain good!  If I can make time permit tomorrow -- I am going to cook some new beans - they are called Anasazi Beans -- a great cook (and her Italian husband is even greater!) brought some to work one day.  Her aunt had given them to her at Christmas.  They are really gorgeous - just in a jar on the cabinet - red, pink, and white speckled.  They are similar to pintos, but are sweeter, do not have to be soaked, and do not take as long to cook.  Short of the story - we loved them and Kim found them on the internet in a small town in Colorado - and we ordered some.  So I am going to cook the beans, the cornbread I've told you about, and do a really fresh green salad to go with them.  Now Travis may insist on some meat - he can have a hot dog - no seriously - a meal that is tasty doesn't have to be elaborate.  The key is to make it taste good!!!  And it always makes my man happier - if I have a great dessert for him!  So I will try to do that too!  I will let you know tomorrow!!
So for this week - I am going to give you some really easy, simple and delicious meals or dishes to prepare - so please try some of them and see if you like them - or more important - did your family like them!  Then next week - I hope to spend some time giving you some easy - but delicious appetisers to fix for any Super Bowl party you might be having or attending!   One more thing before I sign off for the night -- I mentioned "MUFA's" and how they benefit our bodies -- well I thought I would tell you that MUFA (MOO-fah) stands for "monounsaturated fatty acid" - a type of heart healthy, disease-fighting, "good" fat found in foods like almonds, peanut butter, olive oil, avocados, even chocolate!  So enjoy some MUFA's and lose that belly fat!!!
Enjoy tomorrow - MLK day - and I really got a new appreciation of the day and what it represents from our preacher this morning!  So play it forward -- do something nice for someone -- and then just perhaps - they will continue the deed!  God's will - tune in tomorrow!  Good night!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Last night my husband took me on a date -- well it really felt like one -- just the two of us.  Thanks to some very special friends that took Michelle to a ballgame and homecoming -- we had the evening to ourselves for a little while.  We started to bring in Pizza and then he suggested we go out.  We had a wonderful meal at Dakotas - pricey - but very good!  Too much eating out lately, but usually the week I've cooked a big meal at church I want to stay out of the kitchen!  This was certainly a cold and damp day and I felt really lazy but did go out for a couple of hours for some beauty treatments!  My little niece came over this afternoon and things were lively from then on.  She is so cute, prissy, and smart and one live wire this afternoon!  Today I've been thinking about this blog and how I could encourage each of you to develop that "sense of adventure" in your kitchen - especially those of you that say you only go to your kitchen for a drink of water!  I am not saying become a slave to it - but just try out new things.  Develop your own style or your own specialty!  It could be you always just open a can of cream style corn, heat it up and throw it on the table -- then try taking that corn, mix in about 1/2 box Jiffy mix, 1 beaten egg, about 1/4 cup of sugar, a dash of cayenne pepper, about 1/4 cup shredded cheese (any flavor), and if you are brave enough - chop up a few jalapenos!  Stir it together and put it in a small casserole dish that has been sprayed with cooking spray, and Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until set.  There are hundreds of recipes for Corn Casserole, but you don't need a recipe - just put in  some of your favorite things - whether it is cream cheese and green chiles or onions -- just try it and your family will thank you!!   Another thought -- do you always make Green Bean Casserole for holiday means?  Try exchanging the Green Beans for Asparagus!  It makes a delicious dish!!  I have been reading a book that was recommended -  "THE FLAT BELLY DIET" and it says that every meal should include a "Mufa" - these are foods that kick-start your metabolism.  Some of them happen to be some of my very favorite foods -- Avacados, Peanut butter, nuts of all kinds, and dark chocolate (not one I like or eat). Another thing was to always eat your fruit first -- it also wakes up your metabolism! In the newspaper this week - one diet expert recommended using your hand, a deck of cards, and a golf ball to visualize the portion of food you should have.  For instance, visualize a golf ball and that is the size of peanut butter you should have at one time -- no more!  The size of the palm of you hand is all of the steak you should ever eat at one time -- unless your hand is large like some of the basketball players - and then even that is too much!  Now how did I get off on this subject -- well if most of you are like me -- staying fit and trying to either lose weight or keep it off -- is a big part of my life and I love new tips that really work!  None work as well as pushing your plate back before you really want to -- but that is sometimes hard to do!! So think of the one thing you either like the best, don't mind doing, or enjoy cooking - and experiment with it -- develop a "Special Dish" that only you know all the secrets to!  Have a good nights sleep - and be in church tomorrow!  God Bless!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Good evening!  We ate at Jalapeno Tree tonight - a place we've never chosen as a rule - but tonight it was for a wonderful cause.  15% of their take is going to the local Smith County Chapter of the American Red Cross - and we (I am a 14- year board member) desparately need it.  In one month's time - we have spent about $33,000 just providing clothing, food, shelter, etc., to victims of single family home fires in Smith County.  In the history of the local Red Cross this has never been as devastating!  I will have to say - our food was very good, the service was great and we will go back.  Thankfully it was very crowded and we can only hope many were out to help the Red Cross.
First - let me tell you about the Apple Enchilada Dessert we served last night.  I am almost embarrased because it is so simple -- well if you are makeing 8 instead of 140!!

Apple Enchilda Dessert or as some call it Apple Tortillas

8 flour tortillas
1 Can Apple Pie Filling
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 stick margarine
1 cup water
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Combine sugars, butter, water,and cinnamon,  in sauce pan and heat until boiling.  Add red cake coloring. Place one or two tablespoons of pie mix into each tortilla and roll up.  Place into 9X11 dish.  Pour hot mixture over tortillas.  Sprinkle a tad more of cinnamon on top.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 to 35 minutes.  Serve hot with ice cream or cool whip.

CINNAMON is one of my favorite flavors and an important ingredient that helps one's health and the taste of lots of good food.  There are about four places that Cinnamon comes from - China, Vietnam, Korintje and Caylon.  Each one has a slightly different flavor and scent and at Pensey's you can try them all!  (NO - I do not work for Pensey's on the side -- I just love their products!!)  The Ceylon cinnamon is recommended because of its true cinnamon flavor for baking and with fruit!  The cinnamon most often found in U S supermarkets is theKorintje cinnamon.  I love Pensey's cinnamon but usually buy it from Central Market in bulk because Travis (my husband) takes a teaspoon of cinnamon each day.  He has been taking it for about 3 years and it has lowered his cholesterol significantly.  So buy yourself some good cinnamon and start flavoring your meals and improving your health.  It is even recommended for chili, toast, chocolate cake, and of course - yummy cinnamon rolls!

I think the evening is getting to me so I had better say good night and try to get some rest.  May God Bless each of you -- Happy Cooking until tomorrow!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


My goodness - what a wonderful crowd tonight.  Every Wednesday night at our church we serve a meal (about six or seven of us take turns cooking) and tonight I was in charge.  We served fried chicken, mashed potatoes, cream gravy, Veg-All Casserole, rolls, and Apple Enchiladas with ice cream for dessert.  We had a great crowd that ate and stayed and visited with one another until time for class.  It all went oh so good - we had plenty of food (and plenty left over) - amazing how many mashed potatoes 65 lbs. of potatoes will make when you don't take the peel off!  Thanks to some wonderful friends - (Gwynn, James, JoAnn, Sue, and of course my Travis and Michelle) - everything was ready when our favorite partaker (Mr. Lee H.) arrived promptly at 5:30.  Yes - I am tired - but not totally exhausted as I have been in the past.  We learned one gigantic lesson thanks to Travis:  Don't turn the big mixer on high when it is full of whipped potatoes.  It is amazing where those things can land - on refrigerators, on ice machines, the walls, not to mention people's hair, shoes, the floor (of course) and other places we will probably find for weeks to come!    Second lesson learned:  Don't come home and attempt to dig in the freezer and let the door swing out and knock off a glass and break it!  You can sweep for an hour and everytime you walk back in - you see another piece of glass.  I can almost promise that in a week or so I will see one of my babies (Schnauzers) chewing on a piece of glass!  Needless to say I have moved the bar back several inches!!

I would say the hit of the evening was the one that was the last one added to the menu -- couldn't have green beens again this week and needed another vegetable -- so I made Veg-All Casserole!  Here is the recipe - I will give you the one for 6 to 8 servings - not for 100!:

2 cans Veg-All vegetables (1 large and 1 small)
2 Cans Whole kernel corn
8 oz. jar jalapeno Cheese Whiz (if you can find "Jalapeno" - just add a few of the real thing!!!
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup Mayonnaise
That's it - but I added: 
1 Tsp. Fox Point (remember -  one of my favorite Pensey spice mixtures - it has garlic!!)
2 Tsp. Salt
1 Tsp. Black Pepper (again - I think Pensey's is the best!)_
1 Tsp. sugar
1/2 Tsp. cayenne pepper
(Now you've got a recipe that people will rave about -- they did mine!)
Combine all ingredients and bake in 9" X 13" pan at 350 for about 35 minutes until starting to brown on top and bubbly through and through!

Oh by the way - if you want the recipe for 100 - let me know and I will send it!!!

Tomorrow I will give you the simple recipe for Apple Enchilada Dessert (that Gwynn did such a great job on!) - and talk about Cinnamon (another secret and necessary ingredient!)

Thanks for checking in - and I am checking out for the rest of the evening!  God Bless - Be Kind - and God's Will - I'll tell you more tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I had a great friend a long time ago that taught me the secret to a successful dinner party, whether for 10 or 110!  She sat down with me and we went through each recipe we were going to use and wrote down every ingredient and if we needed 5, 10, or 20 times the original recipe - we calculated how much of each ingredient it would take and we would write that down.  Then we went through and counted all of the - let's say eggs - then we figured how many dozen we would need to buy - and made our second list to shop by!  It works!  Thanks Cyndie - wherever you are!  Tonight I was getting a Veg-All Casserole ready for tomorrow night and because we could not find the vegetables in restaurant sized cans, I bought and opened 20 cans of the vegetables and 4 restaurant sized cans of corn.  Tomorrow we will open 18 cans of Apple Pie Filling to have enough to fill 140 tortillas for "Apple Tortilla Dessert."  Thankfully my Mom cut up my four cups of onions and 4 cups of celery for the casserole!  However, tonight we also had 65 pounds of potatoes to wash and cut up (decided not to peel - you know the vitamins are in the peel!) in order to cook them tomorrow afternoon for Homemade Mashed Potatoes!  Men, especially, seem to love them!  Ladies - take the time to make them from scratch rather than from a box -- the smiles on their faces will be reward enough.  Just cook until good and tender, drain, add some good butter, salt, pepper, and half and half and beat with mixer until smooth, and creamy!!! 
Have you ever wanted to take a friend something special - but knew they had more food than they could handle at the moment.  Maybe the wife is sick and the husband is going to be in charge of meals for a while.  Well, here is what I like to do!  CHICKEN TORTILLO SOUP

1 Large can Chicken                              1 Can Cream of Chicken soup
1 Can Chicken Broth                             1 Can Whole Kernel corn
1 Can Ranch Style Beans                      1 Can Rotel
Combine in large sauce pan and cook about 25 minutes.  Serve with grated cheese and tortilla chips.

No - don't make it and drag more food over to a refrigerator already spilling over!  Buy the cans of food, and the chips -- put in a cute basket or bag - with the directions included.  Now - when the leftovers have been thrown out, eaten or whatever - "Mr. Mom" can make a delicious meal in no time at all. 
It is also a very good meal for any family!  It is one of those things that sounds so simple - it could not possibly be good -- but I've made it - and not added any of my "secret" ingredients and it was great!!!

Well - try the recipes and let me know the results!  Look for ways to "Play it Forward" - and be kind to one another.  Tomorrow night will be short and sweet because after I have cooked a meal at church - I am usually totally exhausted - so God Bless and I will at least let you know how the meal turned out!


Monday, January 11, 2010


Have you ever thought something or someone was really great and then be really disappointed?  I find this happens  a lot of times at restaurants -- like tonight - I was so disappointed.  No names -please!  We had eaten at this new restaurant a couple of weeks ago - and were very pleased!  The food, presentation, service, and taste were all very good - so why the disappointment now??  When we were there two weeks ago, we were treated like every customer was special and the food was the by-product of the good service.  Tonight it was a different tone!  The food was good, but to the owners, I will have to say - "service was sadly lacking!"   After we had been there quite a  while, we had to ask for our drinks, then the salad arrived the same time as the food.  There was a table of about 8 to 10 right behind us and our waiter (who would receive the tip) seemed to cater to them and  never showed up at our table again until it was about time for us to pay.  A couple of girls brought our food out and no one asked if we needed anything - even a refill of water!!  What a disappointment and how sad for an establishment just getting started.  
So remember - service is everything -- whether it is for our family, a meal delivered, or a question anwered!

Before I give anymore "tips" about how to go to the next level of cooking - I would like some feedback from you!  Anyone reading ??? anyone trying out a recipe??  everyone bored??

Tonight I would just like to encourage everyone to go on line to and see what you can do to help that sweet man that left his house and while he was helping wreck victims, his house burned down!

Tomorrow I will tell you about my car load of food and how I plan to cook it for Church this coming Wed. night!!!!!!  Also - another secret ingredient!!!

God Bless - have a restful night and God's WILL - tune in tomorrow!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


My what a day -- God created the Sabbath or our Sunday for rest -- and when I talk to lots of people on Sunday evening -- they have rested - taken a nap or just relaxed.  Why can't I learn that lesson?  Every Sunday afternoon it seems I have a million things to do, errands to run, and people to please.  Some people sleep late on Sunday mornings but my late on Sunday is 6 a.m., and if I sleep that late - I am behind schedule by an hour and barely make it to church by 9 a.m.  At our church, we have worship services first and then Bible Class -- so there is NO - waiting until 10 and making it for worship service!  Then there is usually lunch out (Mexican most of the time) and then home to race back out and get it all done!  It is now 10:18 p.m., and I am just sitting down to write.  Today - it was out trying to buy groceries I will need to cook on Wednesday night for church!  Then I did stop by Dillards to see if a skirt I really want is on sale --- everything in that department was on sale but that one collection - and I've had the jacket and pants since September!  What is their problem???

Do you happen to remember in my first attempt at blogging - that one of my five favorite things was "Mexican Vanilla" and to be sure and use a tablespoon of vanilla rather than the mere teaspoon called for in a recipe?  Well - I want to tell you a few things about that vanilla tonight.  Did you know that pure Mexican vanilla is made from the orchid plant and grows naturally in the southern coastal region of Mexico.    It dates back to the early 1400's and was used in ritual offerings and for medicene.    It has become a gourmet cook's dream spice.

Warning: When buying Mexican Vanilla - don't look for the cheapest or you might take home a synthetic vanilla that came from a Brazillian Tonka bean which is also known as Coumarin - which is used extensively in synthetic vanillas manufactured in Mexico.  Before buying look at the label and make sure it says it is "COUMARIN FREE" and it says "Pure Vanilla."    Authentic vanilla is amber colored while synthetics thend to be dark and murky!  I have found "Coumanrin Free" Pure Vanilla in Walmart.  Just as good as traveling to Mexico to buy it!!!

Now you say - "what all do you do with it besides make a cake or pie?"  Well - don't freak out - but one of my favorite - standby recipes is Cornbread!

I told you my Mom does not like for me to use Jiffy Cornbread Mix to make the cornbread for our traditional dressing - but when I take her a piece or two of my cornbread - maybe with soup or stew - she says she eats every bite and could eat a whole pan of it!!!    Recipe:

1 Box Jiffy Cornbread mix
1 egg
1 tsp. soda
2/3 cup buttermilk
Then I add:  1/2 cup whole kernel corn, about 1 tablespoon chopped jalapenos (either fresh or canned); 1/4 cup grated cheese (whatever is on hand) Mexican, Cheddar, etc.), 1 teaspoon (yes - not a tablespoon) of vanilla!!!  If mixture seems too thick - add about 2 tablespoons more of butttermilk and 1 tablespoon of water!  (Water helps give you a more tender cornbread!)
Cover the bottom of thick skillet or small pan with oil, sprinkle corn meal over it and heat until corn meal starts to brown.  Pour mixture in and bake about 15 to 20 minutes at 400 degrees or until done.  Turn out on a plate!

Well - now you know my secret to cornbread that always gets rave reviews!  Nothing to it - just a little Mexican vanilla. 

Have a blessed night - find someone to be kind to tomorrow - and God's Will - tune in again.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Sorry about that -- dozed off to sleep  last night -- and when I awoke - brain was blank and could only think "Go to Bed" - so I did!  I will try to make up for it tonight!

Guess we've been brrrrrr cold - but very lucky to not have rain - which would have turned to dangerous ice!  God is good!   But I'm cold and wish I was in some place really tropical! 

I was really sorry to see Colt get hurt the other night and Texas lose!  Regardless -- if you are a Texas fan, A&M fan, Raider's fan or what ever -- I would hope that we are all Texans and want whatever Texas team that is playing to win! 

Last year Travis and I started a kind of Saturday morning tradition and that is - we go to eat breakfast some place each Saturday morning.  We try out lots of places - some very good, some very bad (one-timers!) and some that are very good but are either too expensive or take too long.  So along the way - we have a few standbys -- The Shed in Edom, Cracker Barrel at I-20 and 69, and the Diner here in Tyler. Lately -  I've noticed all these "old" men with long gray ponytails (I am talking teenage girl long!) and I could never figure out their deal.  They look really dumb - in overalls (so they don't look like musicians) old flannel shirts mostly, well - just like unkept old men!  This morning -- just maybe I figured it out -- we walked out of the restaurant and that cold air hit my neck and ears and I remarked: "Wow - wish my hair was longer!"  So maybe they've grown it that way to keep warm  -- but in the summertime????? 

I am not sure what any of that blabbering" has to do with cooking, but it is all just thoughts I decided to share!  I have  a wonderful assistant at work that makes my life a lot nicer and she is also a great and adventurous cook!  I had mentioned the Ham & Corn Chowder I had made on New Year's day and she asked that I share the recipe.  I took it work yesterday - but I never got it to her.  So Kathy - just for you!

Ham and Corn Chowder

2 Cups diced potatoes                                   1 Cup Cream of mushroom soup
1 Cup chopped onion                                     2 Cups Milk or half and half (what I use)
1 Cup boiling, salted water                            1 Tsp. Salt
2 large cans Whole kernel corn                      1/2 to 1 tsp. Black pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced or pressed into soup mix * optional
2 Cups chopped ham (I used ham from Christmas and heated in skillet with tad of olive oil)  "Tad" is about 1 tablespoon full!
1 tsp. Pensey's Fox Point seasoning -- any good spicy seasoning - even garlic and basil or a little French Thyme would be good!                                  

Cook potatoes and onion in boiling, salted water until fork tender.  Do not drain, but stir in corn(including the liquid in cans), soup, ham, salt and pepper, and other seasonings.   Cook a few minutes and add milk or half and half.  If too thin, add 2 tablespoons corn starch to 1/2 cup cold water, and stir into soup and simmer until thick.  IF too thick -- simple add more milk.   Taste to see if it needs more salt or black pepper!

There - Kathy - now you can use your ham!!!

I was really proud of Travis today!  He cleaned out a "lost and found" room that was full of towels (probably close to 100), shoes, and everything in between, that had been left behind at one of the camps.  He took it to the Men's Rescue Mission on Glenwood.  They were so appreciative of everything and he asked if there was anything else they could use.  One of the men in charge  told him they could sure use some meat -- that they had been surviving on a few vegetables for the past few days.  Travis called one of his bosses at Pine Cove, and he, in turn,  made a phone call to the man in charge of food,  and they emptied a pantry of food they were not using.  Travis loaded it up and took about a half pick-up load of food to them.  Then his boss told his Sunday school class and they bought and took over about 20 hams.  Travis had also taken then about 150 lbs. of chicken legs and thighs.  He said regardless of what caused these men's problems that placed them there - you can just look in their eyes and see broken men.   I wonder how many of us really stop and think about how blessed we are?  Probably none of us - as often as we should!!

I'm sure everyone either had peanut butter and banana sandwiches when they were young - or even like me - likes them now -- but have you ever tried sliced apple on peanut butter!  It is delicious!  I've even got my 92 year old Mom liking it -- and she had never tried it!  Never too old to learn something new - and delicious!

Guess I will go see how the Cowboy game is going - so- take care - go to Church - and tune it tomorrow night!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It is cold - but what happened to our snow??

Where is the fun stuff "snow" that goes with this cold weather?  I kept saying it would go east or west!!!  I know the hazards that come with snow or ice -- but deep in me is the child that dreams of the snow we had right here in East Texas (Winona) when I was a young girl!!  Guess I will just keep dreaming and wrapping up and complaining about the bitter cold weather!!!

Well - friends, I don't know for sure if the Taco Soup was really as good as it appeared (at the end of the day, the huge crock pot was empty -- and dirty ) or they just took helpings and poured it out!  Of course - "Grace"  here -- hit hers with  her plastic spoon - dumped it off the counter - and my goodness gracious - corn and Rotel tomato went across the room!  Thanks to Gay and a police officer we got it all cleaned up !  Well I thought I had it cleaned off my pants until it started to dry - I hate having to have brand new pants cleaned - but to the cleaners they must go!!  I must come to the conclusion - the onion and garlic complimented the other ingredients and shall plan to add it to my Taco Soup next time around!!

We went out last night -- my husband, known by most as Travis - and "Uncle" by our little niece -- wanted dumplings and he really thought he could get them at Cotton Patch.  Not so - they had them on Tuesday night!  The menu had changed in content and price.  We decided on something to eat -- I just had a cup of chicken noodle soup!!   So knowing he really wanted chicken and dumplings - I made them tonight.  I really like to start with a whole cut up chicken -- but tonight - chicken breasts had to do!  Got to say -- not as good as my Mom's, but after so long a time of denying myself and family (because I always eat too many) they were delicious - especially with the Red Gravy I served with them!  RED GRAVY - WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT??  My Mom comes from Louisiana and her family always made red gravy to go on their dumplings.  Ummm- so good (and hot!)  Take a little oil, add crushed Red Pepper flakes, let them start to toast, add water or broth, add a favorite piece of chicken and let it cook for a while.  Then add a dash (well you know me - a little more than a dash) of garlic, then some salt.
To thicken - combine a couple of tablespoons of corn starch with about 1/2 cup cold water and stir in until it becomes thickened. 

Well - can't help but wonder -- have any of you tried the Mile High Meringue?  I am cooking for our church this coming Wednesday night and have my menu almost figured out -- but dessert - that is a cat of another color!  To make a dessert for 100 -- takes some thought!!! Any suggestions???

Do any of you wish for a simple and easy - but tried and proven casserole to serve in the morning - or to take to the office and wow them?  If so - try this one.  I have been making it for years - by now I've lost count of how many!!

Easy Breakfast Casserole

1 lb. Hot sausage - browned and drained well
1 pkg. crescent rolls
2 cups either Mozarella cheese (original recipe) or Mexican mixed cheese
5 eggs
3/4  Cup milk
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. blackpepper
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
Jalapeno slices (optional)

Cook sausage and drain.  Sprya 9 X 13 pan with cooking spray.  Spread out crescent rolls and pinch seems together.  Place cooked sausage over rolls.  Sprinkle cheese ove sausage.  Beat, eggs, milk, salt, and peppers.  Pour over top..  (Place jalapenos on the top (optional).  Bake at 425 degrees for 20 t0 25 minutes - until eggs are set!!!  Great served with any of the salsas I mentioned earlier!!!

My sister can't believe I am giving away some of my recipes  -- but that is my goal -- give you something fun and good to try!  Ultimately I will be happy if I can convince some of you to take your cooking to a whole new level - and show your family - they are worth the extra effort.

I have to believe that any of you that might happen to read this - will have safe homes and warm places to be this cold winter night.  My heart does go out to those not as fortunate as us!  Do what you can for them!! Buy a blanket, take coats you don't use or haven't worn in a long time, or any warm warm things to Path, West Erwin Church of Christ Benovolent Closet, Salvation Army, or the Rescue Misson on Glenwood! 
So stay warm, have a blessed tomorrow and talk to you soon!