Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Two days in a row - wow - caught him off the computer again. Today I got word that Dell had sent a confirmation that the order for my computer was being expedited - but if you track it - it is "still in production!" Yipes - I am beginning to wish I had just bought one some place else! Oh well - I need to remember to be patient!!

I wanted to tell you about the event Travis and I were fortunate enough to attend Saturday night. One of my customers owns K E Cellar's Bushman's Auditorium (guess you would call it auditorium or playhouse or something wonderful anyway. It is a huge room with a stage, kitchen area, etc. We were to arrive before 6:45 (the gates were to be locked at that time) and they had to know ahead of time exactly who was attending. We were there on time even though we had to go back to the house from down the street aways because I had changed purses and left the tickets in the old one! Someone sitting near me mentioned the tattered flags that were displayed, minutes before the host asked the audience (we were seated and standing outside for a short program)if we saw the plane flying high in the sky. He said two paratroopers were going to jump out and bring new flags. Wow - they not only jumped but shortly after a Texas flag appeared and then the US flag appeared. The plane made several flies over the skies above us displaying those flags as the paratroopers decended to the ground. New flags were delivered and then the Marines presented a flag raising ceremony. I knew by watching my customer that something was up (we had thought George Bush might appear but we heard shortly before that he was at Ranger statium). Very soon, we heard a roar coming from the back of the building and then over the building came two P-38 planes with the smoke rolling out from the back of them. They made several fly-overs the crowd and disappeared. Then a mighty roar came - and a shonook helicopter appeared over the building. (The great big one that has two propellers and is big enough to transport a tank) This was the one used in Vietnam - but one thing is for sure - it could not slip up on anyone. It made several swipes over the audience (and I got some awesome pictures) and then landed out in the pasture nearby! The event was a fundraiser for the wounded and forgotten soldiers of all of the wars since WWII. Needless to say - IT WAS AN AWESOME SHOW. We then were invited in for a dinner and show. The dinner was also interesting. The first two courses were rations like the soldiers often receive! All in all - it was a night to remember - thanks to a very generous man that paid for all of the entertainment, food, drink, etc., and allowed all of the funds raised to go to the veterans. And to think - he is not even a natural born citizen of the USA - but a new citizen who recognizes what a great country this is, and wants to honor those who have fought through the years, to keep it great and free! Thanks Pierre!!!!

In the mornings when I take Michelle to work, I often change my radio to 92.1 and listen to Dr. Laura. Although some of the women and men are so silly - I love to hear her commentary. Today - hers made me as mad as she was. The neat thing about her when someone has been cruel and downright wicked - she calls their name - not "changing it to protect the innocent!" Today she was furious at a family that was mistreating a seven year old that is sick with an illness that has killed her mother, and grandfather. The little girl also has the disease. This neighbor whose daughter was not invited to the little girl's party (she had one of the jumping houses set up outside) has been putting ugly signs in her yard, had her husband put out a grim reaper with the little girl's picture on it, a trailer holding a casket with a picture of the mom on it -- and many other horrific acts of terror against - yes - a seven year old! The woman obviously must be either a real live witch or definitely crazy. I agree with Dr. Laura - why can't someone stop her,. The neighbors just stand by and don't say anything. How can anyone be so cruel??? The only answer I have - she is definitely a daughter of the devil!!!

How about one short - but good recipe?



1 Pkg.(small) instant vanilla pudding
1 Small can pineapple juice (or drained juice from pineapple in salad (below)
1 Tbsp. Poppy seed
1 Tsp. Coconut flavoring
Combine and let chill.

1/2 Cantalope - peeled and cut into bite size pieces
3 Bananas - sliced
2 Kiwi, peeled and sliced
1 Pkg. frozen peached - drained if there is any juice
1 Can Mandarin oranges, drained
12 grapes (color - your choice) cut in half
1 Large can Pineapple Chunks (drained - use juice in dressing)
2 - 8 oz. Pkg. Fresh Strawberries cut in half.

Cut up and combine fruit. Add dressing just before serving.

Really a little different - but very good!!!

Hope your Thursday is a great day for you and you are moved to choose to help someone less blessed than you - a fire victim, someone hungry, someone who needs clothes (clean out a closet and find someone who can use the items (an individual or church or Salvation Army) and donate them! Bless them and you will be blessed!!!

Come back soon! Fall recipes for Halloween, Thanksgiving, parties, and Christmas coming!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Good evening - I'm back - but not with my own computer yet! I caught T watching a ballgame and grabbed his! It is getting late fast! I got home from working all day and joining the crowd at Brookshires this afternoon, and got home about 5:30. I am just now (9:45) sitting down! Yes - I actually cooked dinner tonight! I actually cooked it last night too - but once again - I forgot T was playing in a golf tournanment (in the rain - right!) so after starting a new Italian Bread recipe early in the morning, which should have doubled in size in about an hour, and didn't; I peeled, sliced, and breaded (with Planko crumbs - those things are wonderful)a very large eggplant - I started to clean Michelle's closets and chest of drawers. When I remembered T would not be home for dinner - I completed the eggplant Parmigiani, cooked it, and gave it to my sister. I said the bread did not rise in an hour -- it took all day. I finally punched it down again and it rose a little faster. Finally I was able to cook it -- and low and behold - it was delicious! Very dense - but very good! Miracle of miracles (in this day and time!)

I cleaned out at least 30 pairs of shoes (left her over 20),20 purses (left about 10), and I would not even start to count how many pieces of clothing. Her closet was such that you could not push the clothes one/sixteenth of an inch and most of the drawers would not close! To put it very mildly - she doesn't want to get rid of anything. She was working but arrived home about 3:30 and the work ended. There has been some pouting -- but sorry!!! Later - I told Travis - it is pretty bad to feel like (based on how my back was feeling (and still is)you about killed yourself for someone to not appreciate it one little bit! ha!

Tonight I cooked pork tenderloin (Brookshires has a great sale on them - buy one at $9.99 and receive one for one cent. Five dollars a piece - unheard of! It was seasoned with garlic and lemon pepper - but I have learned that the seasoning is almost nil, so I added more garlic, lemon peel, pepper, a little crushed red pepper and one of my new seasonings, SOUTHWEST SEASONING! Then I put fresh sweet potatoes around it - also seasoned with salt, pepper, a tad of sugar, and my new Chinese spice. I kept it misted with apple juice and when it was done, added some dried cranberries to sweet potatoes and wrapped up and cooked another 20 minutes or so - in order for them to be tender. (New sweet potatoes take longer to cook and MUCH harder to peel - but OH SO DELICIOUS!) The pork and s. potates were accompanied with spinach salad with sliced strawberries, feta cheese, toasted pecans, a dressing I just made up!! I really think Travis was amazed. He said it was a delicious dinner and I replied, "I can still cook - just haven't had the time!
When all of that was cleaned up - I made a Sopapilla Cheesecake for the Alzheimer's lunch tomorrow! It is ready to cook and I will do that in the morning!

Lasst night I made the Eggplant Parmigiana using Olive Garden's recipe as a guide - if you've read my blog very long - you know I have to change everything a little! So - here is Olive Garden's recipe (as submitted by someone that figures out recipes and publishes them!


2 Eggplants; peel; slice 1/4" circles
Seasoned salt
14 Oz. Stewed tomatoes (DIDN'T HAVE - USED DICED TOMATOES)
1/2 lb. shredded mozzarella cheese (DIDN'T HAVE - USED MEXICAN CHEESE)


Moisten eggplant (milk) and coat lightly with flour (used Planko instead - and it was delicious!) Then it says "Quickly brown in hot oil,m dusting each side generously withg seasoned salt. When fork tender and golden brownm, transfer to a 9X13X2" pan and cover loosely with foil and bake at 375 F about 20 to 25 minutes or until tender. This is where I really deviated! I coating with planko crumbs and placed on greased (sprayed with Pam) pan, sprayed the eggplant, and baked for about 25 to 30 minutes until nice and brown and tender. Removed from oven and dusted with salt and seasoned salt. At this point - it was delicious to just eat as it was!

SAUCE:-Combine sauce, jelly and tomatoes that have been broken up with a fork.(I just drained the diced tomatoes and they didn't need to be "broken up."I also added quite a bit of black pepper, a tad of sugar, and some crush red pepper. Heat on medium until hotm but do not boil! (I PUT IT IN MICROWAVE FOR ABOUT 3 MINUTES)

Spread mozzarella cheese (I used the Mexican - but if I had of had Mozzaralla cheese - I would have used it) over the eggplant, then add sauce. Top with Parmesan cheese and return to over for 5 to 10 minutes to melt mozzarella. Serve imediately. I let mine cook for about 25 minutes and then topped with Parmesan and left about 10 more minutes!

My sister said they all liked it very much!! I hope you will try it - either way and it should be good -- mine was just a little healthier and a little spicier! I really miss talking to whomever might be reading but until I get my own computer - it will probably not be as regular as I would like. Still have many recipes to share!!
Oh I did add some toasted pecans to the top of the Sopapilla Cheesecake! I probably won't add the honey (see recipe published on March 7, 2010)but we never add it at church and it is just as good!

Tomorrow (or whenever I can write again) -- I want to tell you about the awesome event Travis and I attended Saturday evening!!

Have a blessed week and continue to do something good for someone less fortunate than yourself. I told you about going to the Meals on Wheels 37th Anniversary luncheon last week and how I was so moved by how many are going to bed hungry - just in Tyler, Texas - and by the testamonies of a couple of clients that could not survive with out the Meals on Wheels program. Then the Red Cross was on the scene shortly after the Hudson Apartments started to blaze -- we helped 9 families get their lives back together by providing clothing, food, etc. The other tenents had renter's insurance and only needed new clothing until they could contact their agent. All of this to say - we can never be grateful enough for the grace and blessings that God bestows on us daily! Take care and may God continue to bless all of you!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Good evening! Today I was reminded God created it! I recognize the wonderful day God created - the cool, crisp air, the beauty in my yard and all around, and just the great things that happened. No - I did not win a lottery (how could I win when I don't play?), did not get a million dollar loan to go in my loan portfolio at work, did not get a promotion, etc. I did get to wear a new suit that I really like and felt I looked very professional in, my silly neighbor didn't fall off his roof while he tried to chop off limbs of his tree, but I did get to attend our Birthday breakfast - which was honoring someone I think is awesome and admire (Happy Birthday againn Glenda), I did get to attend the 37th anniversary dinner of Meals on Wheels. There, I also had a great experience - I gained a new respect for a man I only knew by the little articles he puts in the paper on Saturday for his church. Honestly I've never thought they had much depth, but today his depth, his compassion, his knowledge of the Bible, and his sincerity came forth as he extolled the work of the Meals on Wheels organization, and told us "If you want to look into the eyes of Christ, look into the eyes of a hungry man." I can't imagine anyone attending that luncheon today not searching their heart and pocketbook, and making a donation. It was astounding to find out just how many people in Tyler and Smith County go hungry every day. Thank you Dr. John Robbins, of First Methodist Church for that soul searching lesson! I agree - the other guys didn't need to say anything. Just wish you would publish this in your article on Saturday!! The program ended with an emotional film about some of the clients and if that didn't bring a tear to every eye there - it should have. Thank you Southside for allowing me to attend! The day continued to be great - we went to the meal at Church tonight, prepared by David and Michelle Pardue and it was delicious! They did a Chicken and Sausage Gumbo that was awesome. They were much more thoughtful than I am -- they left all of the spice and hot stuff out and you could season your own - I just season it a little less lot than I like it and there it is! Thanks David and Michelle for a great lesson!!!

After the great meal - we went to class and had a great lesson on the difference in people's spiritual walk with God. Research has found there are four basic differences and although Christ represents all four, most of us fall heavily into one or the other. The purpose of the class, as I understand it, is to recognize where we are in our walk, and how the member in the pew next to us might approach their walk in a completely different way, and how it takes all of us to make the church we are, and how we can appreciate each individual and maybe understand them and their approach a little more clearly. I really learned alot tonight. Thanks Mark!

So - you have the idea - I had a great day - Travis is again loaning me his computer - and I am getting to talk to you!! Now -let's cook!!

Today for the breakfast party - I took the Taquitos Ole' Cassarole and it went over well - even for breakfast. I did add about a half can of Hatch HOT diced green chiles - sprinkled over the taquitos after the Green Chile Enchilada Sauce and before the cheese. It is really good - I got a piece today and so, so easy!! We had corn dip - really delicious, absolutely to die for - Pepperoni Bread - a coconut cake, home made sticky rolls with awesome pecans, and so much more!!

I need to say to all of you -- add the diced chiles to the recipe I gave you earlier for the Taquito Ole' Caserole -- it makes it rock!!!

Tonight I am going to give you a great cake recipe - one I think everyone would love!!


1-1/2 CUPS Honey Mail Graham Crackers crumbs
1 cup sugar, divided
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 - 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
1-20 oz. can crushed pineapple
6 medium bananas, drained, divided
2 cups cold milkj
2 pkg. (4 oz. each)vanilla JellO instant pudding and pie filling
2 cups thawed Cool Whip
1 Cup Chopped pecabs


Mix Graham cracker crumbsm 1/4 cup sugarm and butter. Press firmly into bottom of 13 X 9 pan. Freeze 10 minutes.

Beat cream cheese and remaining 3/4 cup sugar with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Spread carefully over crust. Top with pineapple. Slice 4 bananas and arrange over pineapple.

Pour milk into medium bowl. Add dry pudding mixes. Beat with wire whisk 2 minutes or until well blended. Gently stir in 1 cup of whipped topping. Spread over banana layers in pab. Top with remaining 1 cup whipped topping, Sprinkle with pecans. Refrigerate 5 hours. Slice remaining 2 bananas over top just before serving. Makes 24 servings.

Wow - it is 11:00 - Michelle is waiting on me to help with cleaning her face, Travis has gone to bed - so I had better wish each of you a good night and ask that you remember someone is going hungry tonight --Look into their eyes and seeing Jesus saying: "I was hungry and you fed me!" He also said "The least you do unto them, you do unto me!" PLEASE HELP - there was also a tragic fire at the Hudson Apartments and our local Red Cross was already there - helping the homeless with a place to sleep tonight. So many ways we can help!! Think of your blessings and share!!!! Good night and GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010


I really wonder if any of you are checking to see if I am writing again or not -- couldn't blame you if you're not. My brand new computer at the ripe old age of 18 days had a "hardware malfunction" and Windows 7 was completely wiped out. Travis took pity on me and took it back and returned with my money -- so I have ordered a new Dell - and when all is said and done - and working I pray -- I will have a much nicer computer with everything I could possibly need -- and save $95.00! In the meantime Travis has offered to let me use his so I won't lose all of you!! It will be two to three weeks before I am up and operating again!

Yes - the world continues to spin and my life goes on - without my own personal laptop -- but I sure feel disconnected from my facebook friends and loyal readers!!

I think I told you about buying several new spices while at Penzey's a couple of weeks ago -- well, the one that has taken the place of all my "favorites" is the BLACK AND RED SPICE. I use it on sandwiches, food I am just eating, and food I am cooking. It is wonderful -- just hot enough to give some delicious flavor -- but not so hot -- you can't cool off!

Don't you just love the fall air that we are being blessed with? I do -- but my body thinks 42 degrees is a little too much blessing! I love the colors -seeing the trees turn their beautiful colors, the pretty fall clothes, the new boots syles that show up year after year, and it seems everyone has a much friendlier outlook! I love the displays of all the pumpkins -- just like a kid -- I love to go and walk among them and choose just the right ones! There is a calendar in front of this desk and it is just a field of pumpkins -- on of the prettiest pictures in the entire calendar! I love the saying too: "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time!" There was a time in the past - that time passed so slowly and you wished it would just hurry up! Now I am thankful for the fact that it does come just one day at a time. I think we just need to slow down and enjoy it more!

So - what is cooking? I haven't been doing much of it lately. It seems we never get home and ready to think about eating until it is too late to cook. I am going to cook the Tostado casserole - which I named "Tostado Ole'" for my contribution for our birthday bash at work on Wednesday!

Tonight Travis went to the store to get fruit for breakfast and came back with some cookies. He got one out and said: "I just love these things!" I looked and really felt bad -- I have the recipe and could not tell you the last time I made them! Here is the recipe -- don't wait as long as I have to make them!


1 Stick butter
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 cup milk
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups oatmeal (not cooked)

In a large saucepan, heat butter, cocoa, milk, and sugar. Let mixture come to a full rolling boil and boil for 1 minutes (careful to not go to long!) Remove from heat. Add peanut butter, vanilla, and oatmeal. Mix completely. Drop cookies onto wax paper and allow to cool. WORK QUICKLY OR COOKIES WILL SET UP AND NOT BE NICE!!

Do you like eggplant? I really do -- and if you like Eggplant Parmigiana -- I recommend two restaurants and I don't think either one will disappoint you! Little Italy has a delightful one that is light and very tasty. Mario's also has one equally as good! I have to really pace myself or I could eat way too much of it -- and blow everything I have worked to get off!

Here is a recipe that a friend shared with me that she says is delicious and I definitely intend to make!


3 large eggplants -Peel, slice, and soal in salt water about 30 minutes. Cook until tender, leaving a little water for moisture. Add 2 tablespoons butter.
2 pkgs. Martha White Mexican Cornbread, cooked with six eggs.
1 large chopped onion
1 large jar pimentso
1 can Cream of Celery soup

Mix together like you would regular dressing and bake 1 hour at 350 degrees or until onion is tender. Freezes well!

Sounds really good - but I would probably add some celery, 2 cloves minced garlic and saute' the onion, celery and garlic in a little butter or chicken broth and then add to the mix. I also would add some salt and black pepper (quite a bit of BP) and more broth to make it thin so when it cooks it would be real tender! That is my families secret to great tasting dressing!!

Well - I think everyone has gone to bed -- so guess I had better go wake them up (with the noise I will probably make washing face, brushing teeth, etc!) Have a great day tomorrow -- and even if I am not writing as often until I get my computer - don't forget to find someone and help them. It might be a smile, a hug, or food! Just do it!!!! May God always bless each of you!!!