Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Tonight was very strange. We arrived at church early and Michelle and I kept going to the classroom to see if they were having our class and finally my feet would not make another trip so I decided we would "audit" the ladies class that we had always participated in -- except for this last session. The evening turned into a complete blessing for me! To hear the ladies discussing God and the joy we can have by praying and having the faith that God will take care of us! He doesn't promise to always answer our prayers with the answer we want, but He will take care of us! Joy tonight was complete by listening to Diane Litton's lecture - she just knows how to bring the lesson alive. Her example tonight of hanging a picture and how we need to find the stud to make it firm was an excellent analogy of how God is the stud we need to hang onto. I had not realized how much I had missed the fellowship of those ladies or the intense study of God's Word. Her other suggestion was for us to create a list of scriptures that describes God. A worthy goal and one I intend to start. I will share some of those with you in the coming weeks!

After church we went to Smash Burgers - the new hamburger place on Troup Highway. They were BIG - and delicious. Not the place to eat when you want to lose 5 pounds - but worth the waiver of good intentions for one night!!

I received a voice mail today that my strawberry cake was a big hit at the Alzheimer's meeting and that several Pilots that were helping want the recipe.. They just need to read my blog for Friday, February 12, 2010! By the way - I am in the process of making a page to be attached to blog that will be a Table of Contents - listing recipes with date published. I hope it will help you - I know it will me!! Hopefully it will be ready to attach in the next couple of days!!

Tonight I am going to give you the recipe for a Mango Salad that my friend Mary had when I was visiting her in Ruidoso. IT was delicious but it calls for "1 -29 oz. can of Mangoe with juice." If you ever see it - please let me know because I cannot find it! But here is the recipe and you can use peaches or apricots ---BUT I WANT MANGOES!!!


2 small packages orange gelatin
1 small package lemon gelatin
1 cup boiling water
1 can (29 oz.) mangoes with juice (I am going to try the mango in the jars - it has juice!!!!)
1 8 oz. package cream cheese

Dissolve orange and lemon gelatin in boiling water in large bowl. Blend mangoes with juice in blender. Pour one-half blended mangoes into gelatin mixture. Blend softened cream cheese in remaining mango mixture. Mix all mango, gelatin, and cream cheese together. Pour mixture into 9 x 13 dish, refrigerate and allow to congeal.

You can serve with whipped cream, mayonnaise with a dash of curry or with no topping. (Mary sliced fresh mango on it!!)

Have you ever made a Baked Custard or Egg Custard pie? Here is a recipe that you simply pour into custard cups for individual desserts -- not as fattening as with crust either!


3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
3 cups, milk, scalded **
1/4 tsp. salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
Beat eggs. Add sugar and beat. Fold in smooth, scalded milk and seasonings. Pour into buttered custard cups. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Place cups in pan filled with 1 inch water. Cook at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes or until firm! Delicious!

** Do you know how to scald milk? Put milk into saucepan over medium high heat and allow milk to get hot and start to steam -- just before it starts to boil - take it off -- you have scalded milk!!

I think judging by the ingredients - this should make about six custards.

Tomorrow night I will give you the recipe of "DELICIOUS DIRT" and an easy Green Enchilada casserole!! So remember -- "We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere!"
Have a blessed rest --If it is God's will - talk to you tomorrow. Remember -store up those treasures in Heaven - do something for someone less fortunate!

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