Thursday, March 25, 2010


Everything seemed so rosy when I woke up this morning! No emergency military calls all night which relates to a good night's rest! Then as I turned the water off in the shower this morning - my phone was ringing. It was the answering service for the Red Cross and I took the call. An emergency that needed attended to immediately if a son was going to get to Athens in time for his dad's surgery. So - as a result of numerous phone calls - I arrived at the main bank exactly one minute before the doors are closed. Who dares open them and coming strolling in? Still it was a good day - but then Travis remembered to tell me that the daughter of a precious family at church had passed away after us praying for her for two long years. Tonight I received word that another friend's husband - a fun, handsome, entergetic, supportive man had finally given up his 2 year struggle and fight of cancer and passed away. My heart is burdened for both families. Such a loss to all - but I pray it is Heaven's gain!!

I went to a Preacher's Advisory meeting today (kind of got admitted by default because Travis can't alway make it) and love being there. Not sure if I contribute much - but it is meaningful and makes one really think about how the congregation can best be served. I am grateful and humbled by the experience. I chose to attend this month over going to the Women in Tyler Celebration where two of the women honored were women I know and admire greatly -- but I felt "just maybe" I could provide something beneficial to the P A meeting and the other was a given.

I am so happy -- my dear, wonderful sister - who sometimes calls me several times during the duration of her cooking some dish -- said that last night she thought "Now what would Jon Carole do?" So she took out some chicken breast, drizzled with Olive Oil, sprinkled with several of her PENSEY spices, crushed some crackers on top and put in the oven and cooked until the chicken was done and tender! She said her family loved it -- and asked what it was called and she glibbly answered "La Alice!" I love it and feel like through this blog I have been successful!!
So why don't you try something similar--- CREATE, CREATE, CREATE --- and then let me know what you did and your success??? Do it! Please!!!!

Tonight I made Pork Chops Picata with whole grain pasta - green beans for Michelle and me - and English peas for Travis. I thought the pork chops were just about perfect. Here is the recipe - best I remember - it was so easy!!!

4 Breakfast size pork chops
1 Jar Classico Basil and tomato sauce
4 slices Mozzarello cheese
spices of choice - 1 large clove of garlic minced, several shakes of Penzey's Black pepper, Penzey's Basil, Penzey's Mural of Flavor, and 2 TBLS. brown sugar.

Rinse pork chops, pat dry and then rub seasonings into meat. With a little oil in large skillet (about 2 Tblsp.) sear pork chops on both sides and transfer them to a 9 X 13 baking dish (sprayed with Pam) Cover with sauce (add any extra seasoning you think it might need at this time- I added a little more Pensey black pepper and a dash more of basil);Top each pork chop with a slice of Mozzarello cheese. Bake about 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Serve with english peas ( for Travis) or green beans with almonds (for most), and whole grain angel hair pasta - cooked as directed on box. Good meal for anyone - light and healthy -- and thank goodness - filling!! Some good Italian bread would have perfected the meal - but thankfully we didn't have it - so we didn't blow waist line again!!!

Have a blessed night - pray for the Grants and Judith Highsmith! Remember others in prayer that you know of - and God's Will - I will continue tomorrow evening! AND THANK THE GOOD LORD - TOMORROW IS FRIDAY- AND "THUS COMETH THE WEEKEND!"

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